Brook Henry

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Brook Henry

Industry Colleague & Good Friend of Ted

Brook is owner of Vee Two in Western Australia. He provides quality parts for bevel drive Ducatis worldwide.

Brook’s Interview

Interview With Brook Henry

Interview by Matt Compton
19th Sept 2019

It’s been a long time Brook.

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It has. Mid 90’s I think … last time we caught up.

Yes, I think so. I’m setting up a website in honour of Ted Stolarski and to preserve the history of his two Magni-Guzzi prototypes. I was wondering if you’d be willing to contribute any stories or photos you might have. Did you have much to do with Ted Stolarski?

I had a lot to do with Ted. What I’d say about Ted is that he was the most positive thinking person I’ve ever met in my life. That is the reason he was as successful as he was. So that’s the first thing. He probably taught me the most important lesson anyone has ever taught me in my life, ever, to this day! To this very day!


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Yep, one hundred percent! I draw on that information every day of my life and I mention it to people now and again. Ted had a saying that he used to say all the time. Didn’t matter what f***ing happened, didn’t matter what was going on, it didn’t matter how bad it was. He always used to look you in the eye and say, "Think why it’s good!”. That is what he used to say every second breath that he drew. That’s no bullshit. I used to think, "F***, that’s a weird thing to say”, but I never gave it too much thought at first. 

Years and years went on and I was at the track one day. I was trying a new rider on the bike, and he crashed it in the basin [Turn 6, Wanneroo Raceway] and he absolutely f***ed it. And I mean f***ed it! Absolutely wrote it off. I got the bike back to the pits and I’m looking at it, I was seriously pissed off, as you would be. Then Ted comes up and he looks at me and he says, "Think why it’s good. Think … why … it’s good … Brook”, and I just fucking lost it! I just lost it! I said, "F***ing hell Ted, what the f*** do you mean, ‘Think why it’s good?’. I mean look at my bike, it’s f***ed, the thing’s f***ed! There’s nothing good about this! Absolutely nothing good about it!”. I really was quite aggressive to him about it because it really, really got up my nose that he would come up to me and say that to me in this particular situation. I thought he was trying to be a smart arse, so I basically told him to f*** off.

So what happened?

Well, on the Monday morning Ted came out to my shop. He said, "So Brook, you were pretty angry at the track”. Then he continued, "You know, you do need to think why it’s good”. And I went, "For f***’s sake Ted”, but he continued, "Things like this that happen … things out of your control, you need to think of something good that comes out of it, because there WILL BE something good in it, no matter how bad it is at the time. Whatever happens in your life, there will ALWAYS be some good in it. The secret is to see the good, not to see the bad”. Finally, he added, "If you can see the good in it and not the bad, you will be a free man, and your life will change!”

I thought about it and I f***ing thought about it a bit more, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. This was a long time ago, it was well before Ted started racing Moto Guzzis, so it was around the mid 80’s, maybe late 80’s. But he made a special trip out to my shop to explain to me what you need to do about situations like that, and I’ve been applying it ever since. It has turned my life around, turned my business around, and it turned the way I look at everything around.  There you go! That’s Ted Stolarski!

Thanks so much Brook. I really needed to be reminded of what Ted used to say. Feels like he’s still helping me out after all these years. Life throws everyone a few curveballs and it was great to catch up and be reminded of Ted’s motto. I will definitely be applying it, and hopefully it will be useful to many others who read about Ted on the site; I very much appreciate it!

You’re welcome Matt. And I’m telling you now, if Ted Stolarski were alive he’d still be saying it to everyone, "Think why it’s good!”. He wouldn’t say, "Oh, you poor person”, or this or that, he’d say, "Think why it’s good!”. That’s what he’d say!

Thanks again for your time, I know you’re a busy man. I’ve seen the incredible work you’ve done with the Ritorno, and your Mike Hailwood Replica as well as the video of you and Andrew Cathcart with Jay Leno. Amazing stuff!

Yeah, we do have a lot going on now, but you’re more than welcome. I’m glad someone else can take something from it because like I said, I use that advice every day of my life. Every day! When anything makes me think, "Well f***!”, now I turn around and say to myself, "Well, think why it’s good!”.

Ted sat me down, the very day after I’d told him to f*** off. I was so pissed at him, here’s me thinking, "How could someone come to me and say such a thing?”. The way I’d seen it, was that it was like him rubbing my nose in it, but in actual fact he was trying to teach me a life lesson. Mate, there’s not too many people like Ted. If you look at what Ted Stolarski achieved, getting off a f***ing boat, with a pair of f***ed feet … he could hardly walk. He starts working, arguably, with one of the worst motorcycles to try and make money out of at the time and he f***ing killed the pig mate! 

No one! Not one person could say anything to convince him that what he was working with was a dead horse. Everything that was against him, he just took the good out of it and built on it. Did not even bat an eyelid at the shit that he couldn’t change and the shit that he couldn’t fix. He just refused to think about it, look at it or accept it. He just totally shut his mind to it and only focused on what he could do and the good that could come from it. Ted was an amazing man, Matt.

Totally agree! Ted certainly made a positive impact on those around him. It’s been great to talk to you Brook. So how long has Vee Two been going now?

Good to talk to you too Matt. Forty years of Vee Two this year and I’m 65 at the end of this month. Remember … Think why it’s good! Always! It’s a pretty powerful tool. Trust me, it’s the most powerful tool anyone’s given me in 65 years. That’s the f***ing truth of it! And now you’ve got it.

Absolutely! It’s been great to hear Ted’s words again, I will put them to good use!

Awesome Matt, I am very happy you can take something from this. Good on you for remembering Ted and spreading the word about the special guy he was. Ted is certainly worthy of having his story put out there. I look forward to reading it.

As I said, it is a very powerful tool that leaves people flabbergasted when they see you apply it. That is because they don't understand it and have never thought about it. Think why things are good and focus on them and not anything else and Ted will be proud of you. Not to mention how different you will see things in general. It can be a very hard thing to do at times, however, it’s extremely satisfying. It will often happen sometime after the incident, but that’s ok. If you look hard enough you will find the good in everything life brings your way. You can’t change what happens, however, you can change the way you see it. As Ted taught me, from everything bad you can find good; I think Ted is empowering us still. 

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Very best mate. Good to catch up again. Come and see me when you have time to get down here. I’m 3hrs south of you. My business is only 3km from the town centre. Would be great to show you the place. 

I definitely will. Look forward to it.

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 Next - Chris Cooke